
Red Factor African-Grey Babies

Length: 12 – 14 inches (32-26 cm)
Weight: 416 grams
Banded: Yes
Talking Ability: Yes

$2,000.00 $1,900.00


Red Factor African-Grey Babies Biography

Red Factor African-Grey Babies are an unbelievably rare genetic mutation of a traditional African Grey. This is a naturally occurring genetic mutation which is why it’s so rare. As with all African Greys they are extremely intelligent. They will watch, and observe everything in the house they live in. They will watch their owners running to the door when guests arrive, going to answer the phone or to the microwave whenever it beeps. Then, they learn to mimic those sounds to get their owners attention.


Red Factor Congo African Greys are the same size as traditional Congo’s which makes them larger then Timneh African Greys. They grow to 14 inches. They have red, grey feathers on their back. The feathers on their sides, and down their legs are red and grey with white accents. The under side of their wings are light grey with red accents, and red with light grey accents. Their flight feathers are a mix of dark grey with dark red accents or white accents, and dark red with dark grey accents or white accents. Their stomachs are a mix of grey with red, and white accents and red with grey, and white accents. The stomach feathers fade to white with light red accents, and light red with white accents that turn almost completely white at the base of their bright blood red tail.

Red Factors just like all African Greys are amazing, and intelligent parrots. They are considered the smartest of the parrot family, and the best talkers. Due to this, there are certain behaviors that African Greys are prone to if not handled, and trained correctly. Also, if not given enough socialization they will very quickly turn into a “one person” bird which is very hard to break them of.
All Congo African Greys normally live to 65 years, but are now known to live much longer due to better diets, and care that’s now available. Thought, and consideration should go into the purchasing of a companion bird because these are lifetime companions.

Feeding & Care – Red Factor African-Grey Babies

Do not feed birds fruit seeds, avocados, chocolate, onions, apple seeds, uncooked beans, uncooked rice, alcohol or caffeine as these can cause serious medical problems, and kill them

A Red Factor Congo African Grey’s diet should consist of 70% pellets, and 30% fresh fruit & veggies. They can be very picky eaters, which leads to people giving them seed as their main source of food. This will cause health problems, diet issues, and obesity. They do need a large amount of social interaction so they can bond with your “flock”. They are considered the most intelligent of all parrots , and need a lot of stimulation to keep them from becoming aggressive or self mutilating.

Red Factor African Greys are highly intelligent. They need a steady supply of various toys, and socialization to keep them mentally stimulated. All Africans need plenty of mental stimulation, and socialization to help keep them happy, and to keep them from turning to neurotic and self destructive behaviors which African Greys are known to do if they’re not cared for properly. They need a variety of different sized perches to help exercise, and stretch their feet.


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