Pea Fowls

Length: 35-53 Inches

Weight: 6-9.2 pounds

Banded:  Yes

Sex: Males/ Females




Overview Of Pea Fowls

Peafowls, also known as peacocks and peahens, are a species of large and colorful birds belonging to the pheasant family. They are native to South Asia, specifically India, Sri Lanka, and parts of Southeast Asia.

Peafowls are known for their striking appearance, with the male peacock being particularly famous for its extravagant plumage. The male peacock has a long, iridescent tail adorned with eye-catching feathers in vibrant shades of blue, green, and gold. During courtship displays, the male fans out its tail feathers into a magnificent display to attract females.

In contrast, the female peahen has a more subdued appearance with brownish feathers and lacks the extravagant tail feathers of the male. Both males and females have a crest on their heads.

Peafowls are omnivorous and feed on a variety of foods, including seeds, fruits, insects, and small reptiles. They are typically found in forested areas, open grasslands, and cultivated farmlands.

Peafowls are social birds and often form small groups called “parties.” They have a loud, distinctive call that is often associated with their presence.

In captivity, peafowls are popular for their ornamental value and are sometimes kept in zoos, parks, and private estates. They require spacious enclosures and access to open areas for foraging and displaying their natural behaviors.

Overall, peafowls are renowned for their stunning beauty and are considered symbols of grace and elegance in many cultures around the world.

Temperament Of Pea Fowls

Peafowls generally have a calm and peaceful temperament. However, their behavior can vary depending on individual birds and their upbringing. Here are some key points about the temperament of peafowls:

1. Males vs. Females: Male peacocks tend to be more vocal and display more aggressive behavior during the breeding season as they compete for mates. They may engage in territorial displays and occasionally fight with other males. Female peahens, on the other hand, are usually more docile and less prone to aggression.

2. Timidness: Peafowls can be somewhat timid and cautious around humans, especially if they are not accustomed to human interaction. They may initially be wary and take time to become comfortable in new surroundings or with unfamiliar people.

3. Curiosity: Despite their cautious nature, peafowls can also be curious creatures. They may investigate their surroundings, peck at objects, or even follow humans around out of curiosity.

4. Social Behavior: Peafowls are social birds and often live in small groups called parties. They engage in social interactions, such as grooming each other and foraging together. Being in the presence of other peafowls can provide them with a sense of security and comfort.

5. Alertness: Peafowls have sharp senses and are alert to their surroundings. They can be quick to detect potential threats or disturbances, and they may emit warning calls or take flight to escape perceived danger.

6. Adaptability: Peafowls are adaptable birds and can adjust to various environments, including rural and urban areas. However, they still require appropriate shelter, space, and natural elements to thrive.

It’s important to note that individual peafowls may exhibit different temperamental traits, and their behavior can also be influenced by their upbringing, socialization, and experiences. Providing them with a suitable and enriched environment can contribute to their overall well-being and positive temperament.


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