Nanday Conures are companion parrots native to northern South America and according to there are feral nanday conures in Argentina and in parts of the United States. They form large flocks of up to several hundred birds in the wild and feed on fruits and cultivated crops.
The Nanday’s scientific name is Aratinga nenday and there are no sub-species. Other common names for this parrot are the Black-headed and Black-masked Conure.
These conures measure about 11.7 inches (30 cm) and weigh about 5 ounces (140 grams). Their bodies are primarily green with a blue breast with a black head and face. The only way to distinguish males from females is with DNA testing.
Behavior of Nanday Conures
Conures are very entertaining as pets as they exhibit a fun, clown-like personality. One distinctive behavior that can be alarming when first observed is their propensity to fall asleep on their backs with their legs sticking straight out. Don’t worry, your bird is fine!
These energetic conures bond with their owners and love to spend time sitting on your shoulder and investigating your shirt pockets. They love to cuddle and to be scratched on the head. Nandays are very curious and will readily go to new people if properly socialized when young. They do need daily interaction with their human companion and require plenty of time spent outside of their cage for their physical and mental well-being.
Diet and Nutrition
Nanday parakeets are herbivores. They feed on seeds, fruit, palm nuts, berries, flowers, and buds.
Breeding of Nanday Conures
Nanday parakeets are monogamous and form pairs. They breed in November and during this time birds engage in mutual preening and males also perform courtship displays. Pairs usually find holes in trees to nest and strongly defend their nesting territory. Females lay 3-4 eggs and incubate them for 21 to 23 days. The chicks are born blind and helpless. They fledge 8 weeks after hatching and become reproductively mature at the age of 3 years.
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